Saturday 12 March 2016


Every time I try to master my own destiny, something always goes horribly wrong. I had an excellent chance to escape early from work today. I even managed to take a full rest break; we also didn’t need a full crew for the evening shift which meant that I was able to stay and get the next morning’s run ready. Which meant that when they returned; we all got to go home early. ‘Great’ I thought, ‘I can finally crack open a bottle-conditioned beer.’ When I returned home, my parents were out which meant a bit more peace and quiet. I ate some leftovers, grabbed a mousse, then I was ready for my beer. The downfall came when I couldn’t find the key to the backdoor. It just wasn’t in its usual place. I looked over; then tried to peer outside in case my parents had accidentally locked it outside. I had a good rummage through the cupboards for a spare but no luck. And I want my beer! The only possible thing that could have happened is that they have taken it with them as there is a camera on the table in place of where a key might be. I so need my own place if I’m to live a little more freely.

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