Tuesday 15 March 2016


This is a new lead on the super-hero franchise; as many Marvel films portray their character saving the world and getting the girl in the process. This film is much darker and has a lot more satire; mocking both the traditional superhero plotlines and the characters that play them. A lot of the superhero character traits are discarded here as this ant-hero is a lot more adult and self-centred in his actions. The two X-men characters who were constantly trying to recruit Deadpool onto Professor X’s team also need a lot more development; as these are also two new mutants that we’ve never seen before. I actually fell asleep during the final moments of the film; partly because of the slow plotline and also because I was tired and the cinema was suffering from a overheating problem. There’s still a way to go to link up how Deadpool joins Stryker’s team of X-men; but I’m sure that that will be all wrapped up in the sequel.  

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