Tuesday 8 March 2016

A Hermit Life Beckons?

I'm getting very annoyed with technology at the moment. I have an iPad which is really struggling to get up a charge and  I have a laptop which is struggling to install a windows update which I am only installing as the Norton antivirus is refusing to run, the Norton "fixit" tool has given up; and the re-installer tool refuses to do anything at all. Meanwhile, everything else that needs updating requires a password which will obviously need a password which will create a huge crash owing to not downloading any email for a week. The only thing that is coping is my trusty phone which I cannot transfer my photos from my camera into the digital world and am very close to going outside to live in a tent and become a gypsy forever keeping up with the world on a three and a half inch screen. So I'm very close to stopping my technological subscriptions at the moment and Microsoft, Norton and Apple can all go to hell.

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