Saturday 26 March 2016

Adaptive Camouflage

Keys. They're a bugger to cart around, and yet you really do need them if you want some security in your life. But as soon as you unlock that door, they're no longer needed until you're ready to secure the lock again. I put mine down on the table yesterday, then while I was locking the main door, I noticed that one of the keys had slid off one of the key rings. I didn't panic as I knew that the missing keys would still be in there and it wouldn't be me who would unlock that same door. So when I returned, I found two keys in the place that I left them, but there was still a smaller key missing. I asked around to see if anyone had picked the two keys on the table off the floor to see if the missing key would be in that vicinity. When that didn't work, I retraced my steps to the other doors that I'd unlocked. Oddly, the key was found on the floor on a metal plate dividing a room from a stockroom. And the strange thing was that a lot of people must have gone in and out of that room; and yet none of them saw my missing key on the floor!

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