Thursday 17 March 2016

Samson and Goliath

Dominating the skyline of the docklands and dwarfing the rest of the city are two giant cranes built to sustain the city’s shipbuilding industry. Nicknamed Samson and Goliath, they stand over 300 feet tall and are seldom used today; though it would be an event to see them in action. Today though, they’re just fenced off as landmarks which are actually listed as part of the city’s heritage. It’s a shame that industry chooses to move onto other places, abandoning its historical heritage in its wake and leaves so much land unused. The company that owns the cranes still exists; but it now uses the site as its headquarters as it commissions other construction projects around the world. Its most recent ship refurbishment project
seems to be granted out of sympathy by the government since it was so local and the shipyard was practically redundant. But the cranes themselves are so noteworthy that my friend even bought a baseball cap commemorating it. Though mainly I think he bought it to try and stop his head from getting wet.

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