Friday 11 March 2016

I didn't get it my way

The staff looked bored stiff as they trudged their way around the kitchen and order counter. A man just in front of me looked as if he had been waiting for a considerable amount of time. A girl walked back and forth between the burger counter and the till in a state of confusion. The girl who served me didn’t smile at all and actually yawned as she turned away to get me a cup (which took a considerable amount of time to do). As I waited, a woman came over and said that there was a large amount of drink spilled on the floor. A man in a shirt said that he’d get someone over right away to clean it up. My food came quite quickly, and I soon spotted the sea of coke on the floor. When I got my burger, it was tiny for the price paid for a premium burger. As I ate, a capped youth came to supervise the drinks machine; but no-one seemed to do anything about the spillage. I won’t be back.

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