Monday 27 September 2021

Twats Twitting

Thank God it’s not the other way around. But you have to wonder who these people are. We’re given a name which is meaningless and that he’s a brewer at a place that I’ve vaguely heard of. The name itself sounds like its part of a marketing tactic and that he’s just been let loose somewhere because of his supposed status. The opening shot is interesting enough but then the camera just pans to a bunch of mystery bags on shelves. He may as well have been at the sorting office. After that we see grain being stirred and our narrator holding a giant pen-like substance to his eye. It’s possibly some magnifying glass to inspect the grain, but do we learn why? Do we learn why he can’t use an ordinary magnifying glass? No. All we’re told is to buy his book. It’s hardly the grain to glass that was promised in his video. Fail.

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