Friday 17 September 2021

One time I felt really proud

It’s hard to think of one time that made me proud. I haven’t got many of the boxes ticked that I should have done at my time of life, and there’s still so much that I want to experience. There’s also so many moments of achievement that stand out, and to pick one of those moments to triumph over the others is difficult. Also, within these moments, there’s so many instances where the event could have been improved to make it more immersive or enjoyable than speculated. I suppose that my earliest memories are the best. I remember proudly building a windmill out of Lego to put on display in a town building competition, and even though I forgot to switch on the motor that turned it I was still proud to see it on display. But my most confusing moment was at the end of a scout camp. We’d stand in a circle and my name was called out and I was asked to step into the centre of the circle to stand next to the leader to receive a round of applause. As I was presented with a certificate, the leader said ’Bad Luck’. To this day I have no idea why she uttered these words or even what the certificate was for or why we were competing, but I was still proud to be given a certificate.   

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