Sunday 5 September 2021

Back in Brum

It’s good to be back in the city. It seems that a huge clean-up is taking place not just to welcome visitors back but to prepare for an amazing event that’s going to put it on the world stage. There’s been some major building work taking place and we’re witnessing its completion. A whole range of new buildings has been constructed, each with new and exciting stores and restaurants on their ground floors. Monuments and church spires have been cleaned and sand-blasted to make them look like they’ve just been built which makes it difficult to guess how old they are. And outside on the concourse, a huge paddling pool has been built for children to run across and get their toes wet without fear of drowning. There’s even a foundation for them to play with. And with the hot weather shining down on us it felt like we were in a foreign city rather than twenty miles from home. 

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