Saturday 11 September 2021

Stan Goes Forth

He has the face of Puck with a cheeky impish grin on a nearly triangular head. He speaks very slowly and as if everything amuses him as nearly every phrase ends in a chuckle. He’s also a gesturer as he likes to use his hands when he talks unless they’re distracted with holding something. The rest of his stature takes more of a skinny elvish stance without the height as his stroll is fast-moving and he likes to leap around the place. He seems to have a never-ending reserve of energy and charges up steps or stairs when unaccompanied. always He lets his hair flow to try and make him look as old as possible. He’s never one for brands or jewellery and always wears clothes in their plainest form; usually a red t-shirt accompanied by jeans and black shoes. In winter he adds a black leather jacket to his wardrobe. 

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