Friday 3 September 2021

The Betrayal #empress6

Zhong headed back to his farm. It took him a week to make the journey. Along the way, he had to pick up extra carts that the Empress had arranged for him. He wondered if his wife would expect extra gifts because of all the carts but he couldn’t afford anything at the moment. But once the farm was clear, he would be able to build a new farmhouse complete with a yard and stable for ferrying his future children to and from school. And think of how many labourers he could employ! This royal charter would benefit the whole village.

When he arrived, he saw his neighbour’s cart outside his house. He wondered why he was here. Slowly, he took off his shoes and ventured inside. He could hear a lot of noise coming from upstairs. As he peered around his bedroom door, he caught a glimpse of his wife and neighbour in the act. 

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