Wednesday 22 September 2021

Dead Dinosaurs

 It’s so sad, but it’s true. It just goes to show how long our evolutionary process takes. A decomposed stegosaurus can be manufactured into a fair number of plastic bottles. It would be interesting to discover if it could be remanufactured into a full-size stegosaurus depending on the thickness of the plastic used. The good news is that in its current form, plastic does take less time to decompose than the dinosaurs did. The bad news is that it’s taking longer to decompose because there’s more of it, and it’s leaving toxic chemicals in its wake. Some companies are doing their bit by using a lighter grade of plastic in their products, although sometimes it just appears as cheap and it’s not the quality that we used to remember. It just becomes a cost-cutting issue. And as a society, our whole understanding of this is still in the stone age. It’s easy to blame it on the people who don’t attempt recycling, but the focus really needs to shift to the people who create the stuff in the first place.

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