Saturday 18 September 2021

The Gathering

It’s a nice sunny day and me and my colleagues have been invited to hang out at my boss’s converted barn for the afternoon. Our plan was simple; share a few drinks in his garden, head into the town for a meal then spend the night exploring pubs and stopping over. Only it didn’t quite go to plan. Firstly, we had no idea who was coming. I’d set off early to check out a local bottle shop for supplies. The sun was out which meant that it was a busy day for riverside visitors so I had to park quite a way away to transport my supplies. Then as I returned to the car I received a call that my boss had to go out and would be a little late but asked me if I could pick up some soft drinks too as he’d found some designated drivers! This necessitated a second trip to the bottle store. Fortunately, by the time I got back to the car the second time around, he’d made it back home. 

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