Tuesday 28 September 2021

From Left to Right

This used to be a fantastic pub before it got discovered and got crowded every time I visited. On my friend’s birthday we once spent a whole afternoon working our way across the bar from one handpump to the other. The only time we left was at the halfway mark when we decided to pop out to get some grub then we were back to it. I was on first name terms with the manager and knew most of the staff. I used to know the cellarman well and once had a visit down to the cellar to see the barrels on their stillaging. Nowadays I don’t recognise the staff and it’s hard to get a conversation out of them. Instead, they spend their time on patrol at the bar awaiting the next order. But if I’m lucky I’ll bump into one of the regulars who’ll at least give me a glancing nod that they’ve seen me there before.


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