Thursday 23 September 2021

A Drastic Demolition #Empress 7

Rather than face a confrontation, Zhong decided to leave them to their fate. If the affair went on long enough, the Empress would demolish the old house, hopefully with them both in it; and upon his return he’d have a new one built and hopefully he’d have a new mistress that he’d meet at the palace. With his new fortune in mind, he quietly packed up the rest of his possessions and loaded them onto a cart. He wondered if his wife would notice his absence and spend her time living with her new lover. Then he decided that he didn’t care and began his journey back to the palace. As he approached, he could feel tremors and he could swear that one of the turrets was shaking. Inside, the whole place was a state of disarray as tables were knocked over and the floor was a mess of ornaments, smashed furnishings and papers.

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