Monday 20 September 2021

Black Country Ales Plum Pig at the Real Ale Tavern, Bewdley

It’s hard to picture this pub as a former bank. Maybe the offices upstairs were in full use, or it occupied some of the pharmacy next door. You might picture it as a small post office and the queue is where the bar used to be, though it does go back a stretch. Only the giant vault door in the rear leaves any clue of the building’s former trade. Still, it’s nice and cosy inside and there’s a great choice of old favourites and new beers to try alongside its long bar. There’s plenty of snugs for private conversation and an open area at the end. There’s even a stranger’s bar in front of the beer menu, though you wouldn’t get much of a view or peace and quiet if you were propped up there all day. I’d hate to think what this place would be like when it gets busy, although it’s a great place for a lock-in. 

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