Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Lego Library

Somewhere in the darkest depths of someone’s basement must be a Lego library. I’ve seen the sados on documentaries displaying all their walls of Lego sets in mint condition from Lego’s early days, and some have probably even taken out storage to store their sets. But over at Lego HQ, there’s probably an ultimate collection. I wonder if they store copies of the buildings used for these displays; or whether they just keep the blueprints for them? They’re a very secretive company. What would be great is if you could pay a membership fee to take sets out to play with? This would help those who don’t have a lot of room to display their sets and help them choose which ones that they’d really want to keep. Obviously, there would have to be a very rigorous return process for when sets are returned. I should really set this up. All I need is a great pile of Lego and a huge space to store it in…

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