Thursday 2 April 2020

Lego Brummies

There’s always something going on in Brum. Buskers and skateboarders aren’t really in abundance; you’re more likely to find a beggar. And that goes the same for street traffic as well since most of the roads are confined to the outskirts of the city. Road sweepers are also rare when you consider the amount of times that the city’s refuse collectors have gone on strike; though they’re always on hand to help keep the streets clean around the city hall. Street performers are also remarkably rare. But you can be sure that there’s always an abundance of stallholders and market tradesmen showcasing their wares. You also tend to see a lot of businessmen in suits carrying briefcases and mobile phones as you approach the station; especially during commuter times. The people also seem to be the same colour, which isn’t really a cross-representation of the city at all. And what’s with the bananas?

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