Tuesday 14 April 2020

A bit of Cornish

I really need to get over to the south-west this year. There’s a castle fitted with a brand-new bridge to cross which will make visiting it easier. I’ve never visited that part of the county before but I expect it’ll be even busier than before because of its new high-end profile. And just down the road in the village is a brewery! I’ve seen the beer on sale at festivals but I’ve never gotten around to sampling, whereas my family friends have already partaken by visiting the source and recommend it. I need to find out whether they tried it in a pub or whether they toured the brewery and ended up at the taphouse. I’ll probably end up driving, so I will probably sample the brewery first then stagger off the effects at the castle afterwards. But whether I’ll achieve these visits or not is another thing. And I just hope that both these attractions survive the lockdown.

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