Wednesday 1 April 2020

Heads Up #dreamdiary 87

I’m lying in bed staring at the window. It sits above our front porch and has a flat roof. Suddenly there’s banging and scraping. I can hear laughter and chuckles and people telling each other to be quiet. Three heads materialise at the window; one after the other. Each neck is slowly stretched to see over the windowsill. Each face is a Caucasian male sporting a black handlebar moustache and mod hair to match. As soon as they see me, they quickly withdraw. I’m tempted to peer over there but I’m too tired. A few moments later, a head surfaces again then vanishes. This carries on for a while in a sequence. It’s like one of those baby pop-up toys that you press and a hammer to whack each head back again. You could almost put some music to it. I guess that they’re trying to work out whether I’m actually asleep or not. Eventually, I climb up and peer over the windowsill. Three bare arses are shining back at me. 

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