Monday 20 April 2020

Branscombe Vale Branoc at the Rising Sun, Redditch

It would be nice to think that most breweries are on a traditional farm made by a handful of people in an idyllic location as part as their other duties. They would do the boiling and the mashing then head off to milk the cows or plough the fields while the wort was settling or the liquor was fermenting. At least that’s how most breweries started out. This one began in a cow shed. What started out as a spinoff for family and friends brought a reputation. People from beyond the inner circle wanted to try it. It gets sold in bottles and local pubs as people want more. But then it becomes profitable. And of course, you must keep up with demand. New production methods are sought to make the process easier. What once started as mashing in a large tea urn to evolves into great big shiny steel vats. But at the same time, you lose a bit of your tradition.

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