Sunday 12 April 2020

Sadler's Hoppers Hut at the Rising Sun, Redditch

I’ve started my own hop hut! For Christmas last year I got a packet of hops seeds in a ceramic tin. I sowed the seeds in October, and watched the shoots grow. It’s always difficult to say if I’ve over or under-watered them, but the soil always looks a bit dry. I did get a plant of some sort, but it looks a bit on the stringy side. I’ve now moved them into the garden, but I’ve used the same pot and soil. I’ve just stuck a cane in there to help the largest shoot gain some support. I might have put them in the garden a bit too early, as it caught the last week of the winter frost. I hope they recover. If they take off, I can move onto the next step of brewing my own beer. But it’s too early to say yet. I might just be chucking the whole thing away in September.

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