Tuesday 7 March 2017

What the Chicken Saw

It took a while, but I’m finally wobbling and bobbling on someone’s head. It’s great. I get to smell yeasty odours from people’s glasses; I’m petted often and I travel from person to person. Everyone wants to bear me around. Sometimes I get to take in a whiff of food too. Everywhere I go I’m universally applauded. Occasionally I see a fellow chicken who has also been liberated, and we give each other a cheeky grin as we’ve got no idea where we are going, but at least we’re not hung up on the wall any more. I’m even being worn outside in the fresh air rather than being stuffed into someone’s trousers or into a bag. It’s great to get out and about. But although I’ve begun to fly, I do miss my friends. And I kind of wonder whether I’ll return to them or where I’ll end up tomorrow. But in the meantime, I’m ready to party.

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