Friday 24 March 2017

Computer or Camera?

I’ve been having some trouble copying some photos off my camera onto my computer. The camera is connecting to the computer, but the computer isn’t detecting the camera at all. I’ve changed the batteries in the camera; I’ve made sure that it’s the correct lead, and the camera says ‘connected to USB’ when it’s plugged in. I’ve also tried my camera on a different computer, and it works just fine. So I now know that it’s the computer rather the camera. When I check the devices on my computer; it detects that there’s a fault with the camera’s driver. So with just a few clicks, I’ve managed to re-install the driver and the camera now works perfectly. Which is great as it takes ages to upload these photos to a cloud drive so that they can be used on other computers. But why did it go down in the first place? Did another driver corrupt it in an update? Weird.

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