Friday 31 March 2017

Big Pete's Singalong at the Seven Stars

I’m not a big fan of walking into a pub to find that Karaoke’s on. I don’t mind it, I’m even game to taking part if I’ve had a few drinks; but to enter to see a bald man blasting away is something that puts me off the whole thing. It’s there so that the locals can have a laugh; and in this case we did know the chap that was singing; though his dress sense portrayed that he’d also planned for the evening and that he was game for a laugh. But we didn’t know any of the other locals; and I was trying very hard not to laugh at him rather than laugh with him. We also don’t know how many drinks he’d had before getting the courage to stand up and sing. I’ve also got no idea what he was trying to sing; but he was certainly getting into it.

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