Thursday 16 March 2017

A card you don't really want

Like many businesses, you are given targets when you work for them. For us, one of these targets is encouraging people to take out a store card. We always seem to get into trouble when we don’t hit these targets, but we can’t force people to take them out. So on one particularly slow week just after Christmas when it seemed that we were truly in for a bollocking, I decided to step up and apply for one to help my team out. Of course I made sure that I would be paid for it while the application was being processed; and this was to my greater advantage when I found out that I got deferred mainly because only the manager is now able to sign staff up to have a store card. I bought something very small and cheap that I could just stash in my locker, then as soon as the card came I got the item refunded. Job done. 

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