Friday 3 March 2017

The Great British Beer Festival at Olympia, London

I’ve returned to London to revisit the Great British Beer Festival. It’s one of the highlights of CAMRA’s calendar, and I haven’t attended this event since it was last at Earl’s Court around the corner. The trip was organised by a friendly Birmingham pub landlord who’d put on a coach so I wouldn’t have to worry about delays on trains or overcrowded and annoying passengers. The journey down wasn’t too bad and we were on the move most of the time. There was a bit of confusion with our pre-paid tickets but we got an extra drink out of it because of a few no-shows. The layout was a bit confusing as the individual bars seemed difficult toi locate. It also took me a while to find an enjoyable beer. Although the atmosphere of the dome let in a lot of natural light, there were still several dark and dinghy places. Many of the themed bars from my previous visit seemed to be absent; and there was a lot of metal and piping on display and not enough decorations. A lot of thought needs to be put into the venue layout for future events.

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