Sunday 5 March 2017

Do ya Wanna be in my Gang? #sharrack2

Why do we start our lives off in large groups? Is it because we need safety in numbers? We’re individuals, so why do we need to split ourselves into groups? Yes, it’s more fun to be together but at the same time you sacrifice your individual freedom when a group chooses to do something that you may not want to. Granted, this may not be that often when you’re in a group that shares the same tastes as you, but not everyone wants to wear a chicken on their head. But at least Mr. Sharrack is able to keep up the pace with our gang. He entertains us all with his travels and war stories; and he’s also got an eager mind to learn about beer when it comes trying out new breweries. And he’s also able to charm his way into any crowd of tables; which is very handy for when the rest of us show up.

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