Tuesday 28 March 2017

Ticket Trouble #dreamdiary26

I’ve got tickets to see Blink 182! But as usual, everyone is either too ill or too poor to come with me, and I also didn't book the time off work so I end up setting off far too late. My first stop on my journey is to collect the tickets themselves from a bus station in Solihull. When I arrive, I accidentally find a cash machine instead of a ticket machine but I need cash anyway. I take out my wallet but for some reason I have a NatWest bank card instead of my own. I program the machine to swallow the card by entering the incorrect pin, then use my own to get cash. Then I find a giant sign pointing to the right ticket printing machine pointing to a corner. At this point I consider the risk of collecting my tickets from the venue but their offices may be closed. When I arrive, I have to park at the very end and have a mountain to climb to reach the arena. Instead of following the windy path I decide to take a shortcut by climbing over the rocks. I stumble near the top, but manage to swing myself back onto the main path. When I arrive, the venue is closed. 

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