Tuesday 14 March 2017

Immobilise It!

I’m slowly getting my possessions uploaded onto immobilise.com. This website helps police to identify the rightful owners of stolen items and reunite them. You can also report stolen items on the site, but you can’t check to see if your recently purchased items have been stolen. Ironically, there is a sister site that lets you do just that, but you have to pay a fee. So far, I’ve registered a laptop, TV, tablet, camera and smartphone. It’s a long process to upload each item as you have to squint to see the serial number of your device. There’s also kits that you can purchase the truly paranoid. I fail to see the point in uploading photos of each item; I haven’t exactly decorated it to my own taste. Hopefully I won’t ever have to use this site. But the safeguard is there in the hope that if my stuff does disappear, there’s a slim chance of getting it back.

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