Wednesday 15 March 2017

Purity Pure UBU at the Cumberland Arms, West Kensington

The Cumberland Arms was the second pub that we visited as part of our post-festival pub crawl. This corner pub blends in perfectly with London; with its dark oak panels in one long corridor-style room with tables large enough to accommodate groups. The pub’s front windows and mirrors creates a very bright atmosphere in the room, and as soon as the bar stops there’s some large booths and tables set in the dark for groups like us to hide away in. The Purity that we tried was in good condition and we also managed to collect a Cask Marque scan. The patio area is hidden away from the pub’s front which makes it an excellent escape from city life. It’s a shame that its high street has nothing but tacky shops, but at least the locals have somewhere nice to retire to after they’ve finished working or shopping for the day.

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