Friday 30 September 2016

Westminster Abbey

I’ve always wanted to visit Westminster Abbey. It’s just full of history commemorating the tombs of our Kings, Queens, politicians and writers. I managed to arrive just before the daytrippers but I still had to queue for a good ten minutes. But astonishingly, the price of admission was £20! Considering that many of Britain’s cathedrals are free to visit; I felt that this was disgraceful for those of British citizenship. And what was more insulting was the fact that you weren’t allowed to take photographs of the tombs, statues and architecture. The price did include an audio guide featuring Jeremy Irons, so that’s him set for life. And because of the sheer number of visitors, there was a very set route inside and the dioceses seemed to be in all the wrong places. I was really looking forward to visiting Newton’s tomb which was out of sync with the audio guide and there was n-one there to ask. Perhaps one of the most ironic things was the hourly prayers- during my visit it was for the people of Syria but did it ever occur to anyone that the leaders of the British Government reside just across the road? I did enjoy the history but I think that they’ll have to work extremely hard to tempt me back for a second visit.

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