Thursday 1 September 2016

Toilet of the Apocalypse

Jim needed to go. He’d had a huge breakfast at the supermarket; bought a bouquet of flowers off the pretty girl on the market; and he’d just carried them on a five-mile walk to plant them on his mother’s grave. Naturally, he was bursting. So when he saw that the cemetery had just finished restoring the toilets, he leapt at the chance to go. Inside there was no electric light; instead there was blue sky visible through a hole in the ceiling. He sighed with relief as his pants went down followed by himself. And then nature followed and he did what he needed to do. He didn’t notice the sky growing dark; he knew the effects that clouds had on sunlight. Instead he just concentrated on what he was doing; ignoring the sounds of foreign plumbing around him. When he’d finished, he zipped up, flushed, then turned to go. The door didn’t budge. He pushed and pushed but it failed to move, as if someone had deliberately barricaded him from the outside. As he turned around, he saw that the toilet bowl wasn’t filling up with water but with a rich, dark, red liquid; which just kept rising and rising and rising. He panicked then and gave the door a good hard kick. It burst open this time but what was on the other side was beyond belief…

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