Sunday 11 September 2016

Save the Alex

In an effort to save resources, the NHS has decided to downsize the Alexandria Hospital in Redditch. This means that the hospital will mostly deal with emergencies; and any routine operations for children will have to be performed in the already overstretched Worcester Royal hospital. For patients, this could mean a forty-minute car journey or an expensive taxi fare with sick children; or even longer if public transport is required. This clearly doesn't make sense. In a commuter town with an expanding population of young children, the last thing that parents need is a long car journey to receive healthcare and treatment. So by taking these services away means that parents will have to more cautious than ever. Of course, some people will relocate themselves to avail themselves of other services; but for those who can't it really is a sink or swim situation. Local residents have formed an action group to monitor the activities of the Alexandria hospital and are desperately trying to protect our services alongside our MP Karen Lumley. But many people are pointing the blame towards her rather than the independent NHS that runs our healthcare services. 

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