Thursday 22 September 2016

Nelson's Midshipman at the Master Mariner, New Brighton

Our next stop was the Master Mariner, a Wetherspoon pub opposite the Mersey which offered its own picnic beer garden outside and balcony seating for riverside dining; though it being April at the time we weren’t really paying much attention to the exterior. Inside was a disappointing lack of naval objects on display as the pub was less than a year old and had been converted from a former nightclub. But as is the custom in Wetherspoon pubs there were boards depicting the history of famous local ships. The mild here was excellent; it had a lovely rich roasted flavour which really made me lick my lips. We found a nice place to prop up the bar and enjoy a quick half while contemplating our next visit; though one member of our party was a pub landlord himself and had quite a vendetta against pub chains; and was keen for us to hurry up and complete our Cask Marque stop so that we could move onto the next venue. 

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