Saturday 10 September 2016

Beerd Cubic at the Brass Balance, Birkenhead

Our first Wetherspoon of the day was the Brass Balance, which was hidden on what seemed to be the older and former high street. We’d actually been here before for breakfast as it wasn't included at our hotel, so it gave us some free time to travel and tour. It was also the first and only time that I heard a Scouser say “Calm down, calm down” on the trip. It seemed that there were two neighbouring tables who were at war with each other, pinching someone’s chair and newspaper spot while he'd gone outside for a smoke. Our breakfast arrived very quickly and the pub was quite quiet; but when we came in with our pub crawl party the place seemed to be swarming with builders with menus in hand ordering breakfasts at the bar. As we’d already visited; we decided to have a swift half of the Cubic pale ale from the Beerd Brewery and grab an extra Cask Marque scan from the other Wetherspoon on the opposite side of town. 

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