Saturday 24 September 2016

Spitting Feathers Session Beer at the Stage Door, New Brighton

This pub was very popular for a Friday afternoon; and because it was so close to our previous stop everyone could make our own way over in our own time once everyone knew where they were going. Inside there was a great atmosphere and bar snacks were being passed around by the bar staff in an attempt to encourage us to make a long-haul purchase of a full meal. But one of the handy things of having a gang of old men in your party is that people will often give up their space to allow them to have a seat; and pretty soon we had commandeered a whole table to ourselves. Even though the beer wasn’t a strong one it was kept very well and was full of flavour; which is quite hard to pick out when you’ve had a variety of other beer throughout the day. We enjoyed the company of the locals so much here that we decided that it was easier for us to stay put and have another half; giving us plenty of time to catch the next train to pass underneath the river. 

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