Tuesday 20 September 2016

George Wright Spring Ale at The Telegraph Inn, New Brighton

One of New Brighton’s oldest pubs; this was truly a community venue with small rooms around each side allowing people to come in and chat; mainly because it was a fair distance away from the banks of the Mersey. After entering to use the facilities first, I had to tour the whole pub to find the rest of my group; much to the amusement of the locals; who also pointed out the blackboard displaying the list of ales on offer. After scanning the Cask Marque certificate, I took my place in our timber-framed room and soaked in the atmosphere of this characteristic pub. The beer was another local brew from George Wright; and even though it was a seasonal beer it still made a refreshing change from the portfolio beers that you’d expect to see on show at this kind of venue. The Telegraph has also earnt the honour of being New Brighton’s highest pub; though when you’re so close to the Mersey it doesn’t bear much of an achievement compared to that of Snowdon or the Lake District!

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