Monday 5 September 2016

Frog Life

Sing to the tune of Blur’s Park Life.

Down in my garden I’ve got some new guests. They’re slimy, ‘orrible and green. Frog Life.
They’ve found some great hiding places around the pond and they only come out at night. Frog Life.
Hundreds of frogs are just jumping about, and they’re romping all over my lawn. Frog Life.
Who’s that croaking out there in the dark? Belt down mate, I’m knackered!

Oh the froggies. So many froggies.
All sitting on lillypads
Croaking day and night.
Frog Life.

It’s a well-known fact that frogs are energetic than those toad types. Frog Life.
They’ve got smooth skin, they’re wart-free and they just love hoping about. Frog Life.
A fly is a feast for our Freddy, as well as those slimy sluggy worm things. Frog Life.
And he’s just glued to anything leafy to hide away from those French types.


It must be a Magnolia year, or a leap year for this many frogs to be gathered. Frog Life.
And there ain’t no Kermit in this festival of tadpoles, lilies and sperm. Frog Life.
It’s gonna be cruel to splat them but they’re just making a mess of my garden pond. Frog Life.
Where’s a hedgehog when you need one, or a lizard, or a snake, or a bird?


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