Saturday 17 September 2016

Shields Down

What is the point of modern-day ticket barriers? They all seem to give up after the evening rush hours; so is there any point in buying tickets for travel after that time? And if the train is overcrowded, they won’t even run a trolley service down the aisle, let alone ask a fat bloke to waddle down the train to check that everyone is travelling legitimately. In the future I may as well just buy a single day ticket to my first destination as it seems that no-one can be bothered to check them; leaving it to the goodwill of customers and the reliability of machines. The ironic thing is that you can’t rely on the machines by themselves because if someone doesn’t know how to use them or if they make a mistake then they’re going to be stuck. It really is an insult to us paying customers when we buy an expensive ticket only to find that you can just waltz your way through.  

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