Friday 9 September 2016

Treemendous Trees

Many town centres have nothing but paved stones in their pedestrian high streets and shopping areas and perhaps there’s space for the odd bench if you’re lucky. But here in Redditch we have some beautiful oak trees sprawling out from underneath the concrete. They’re easy to miss; on a busy market day they’ll be hidden behind stallholders and shoppers; while at night you’ll be distracted by people coming in and out of the bars and clubs. These trees must have seen a lot of changes over the years; not just to the buildings and shops surrounding them but the people as well; their accents, their nationality and their period dress. I often like to think that they’re trying to reclaim the land as there’s quite a few open cracks in the concrete near their trunk and roots. I really hope that there’s a Tree Preservation Order on them as their age and shape really add to the character of the high street. 

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