Tuesday 6 September 2016

Idevai 568 at Gallaghers Pub & Barber Shop, Birkenhead

We started our pub tour of Birkenhead at Gallagher’s Pub and Barber Shop. We didn’t meet Mr. Gallagher (who I assume the pub was renamed after its new owners six years ago) but it does have some novel features. Above the bar, regimental flags adorned the walls alongside uniforms, officer’s hats and shields, and a Spitfire was suspended from the ceiling. The beer was beautiful, and was from a brewery that I’d never heard of before, and our party requested me to take several trips to the bars to record the name and its ABV. To the rear of the pub was an actual barber’s shop, complete with chair, though no-one was in having their hair cut today. Perhaps it was a bit nippy, or perhaps it was the thought of trusting the barber with a razor while wondering how many beers he’s had. Outside in the beer garden, we were also treated to a tremendous view of the Hamilton Square Tower by a local who told us some more of the town’s history. 

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