Wednesday 22 June 2016

Wood's Redwood at the Rising Sun, Redditch

When we think of Redwood, we think of giant ancient trees stretching up to the sky in Northern California. So it's quite surprising to learn that brewers have somehow managed to capture the essence of these giant behemoths in a pint glass. As a herb, its natural properties are to slow down the ageing process and assist in sexual reproduction. But the best thing about these beers is the smell; it’s a dark, oaky and musty fragrance which leaves a natural pine odour in our nostrils. And since the mighty Redwood is one of the oldest species of trees on the planet; it's a name that associated with age and gracefulness, and so the beer should as well. But how do the brewers create such a flavour. Do they buy import extract of Redwood? Perhaps they employ a secret team to gather felled twigs or even harvest felled trees to gather this mystical ingredient under cover of darkness. 

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