Tuesday 28 June 2016

Ilkley Lollipop

So off we set on the Ilkley lollipop which I was told would be across the moors. We found a cheeky parking space at the back of a theatre, and after grabbing a coffee we met up with the rest of our group. After filling out an emergency form (sounds very drastic but I can see they don't want to get sued), we headed north; directly away from the moors. We soon found out that our walk was actually to Beamsley Beacon, where we could get a great view of Ilkley and its surrounding villages. It was a long walk consisting of woodland and farm tracks before finally reaching the moors. And the marshes certainly were in full effect and we tramped through rain and hail to get to a wall from where we could take shelter and eat a packed lunch, though we did get a great view of Menwith Hill, an American military base which holds part of their ‘Star Wars’ arsenal. I wonder how tight security is around there? After the beacon itself, it was a long climb down; and we also hailed on which gave me a great chance to try on my Argos gaiters.  We did get offered lollipops though. 

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