Saturday 25 June 2016

Pissing Off the Pension People

I'm pissing off the pension people. It's the latest monthly tax that they hope we’ll have forgotten about or is hidden away in case we snuff it before retirement. Hopefully I won't have to use it, or at the very minimum use it to pay off my student loan. A few weeks ago they sent me an e-mail asking me to log on and view my latest pension statement and view which pots to invest in. Yawn. It's thirty years away and they'll have probably lost it by then. But this week I've received a letter through the post asking me to register on-line, something that I've clearly done already otherwise they wouldn't have sent me the email. So why are they wasting my time? Clearly the resources would be better spent using my funds to invest in better portfolios rather than waste them on postage to send me unnecessary information. So I now look forward to their reply. 

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