Tuesday 21 June 2016

Marston's New World Pedigree Ale at the Rose Inn, Nuneaton

This pub has a special piece of history. It's not particularly old, it doesn't have a historic interior; it doesn't have a special licensee or even great beer. But it was here that our organisation first held its inaugural national Annual General Meeting and a plaque is here to recognise the day that a national campaign was required to help protect our nation’s brewing heritage. And it was here that I got abandoned with the world’s most boring man. We all had our own itinerary to keep; so we'd all travel to different pubs at different times. It just so happened that we kept bumping into each other. But as I'd admired the historical plaque on of the pub’s timber posts; there seemed to be a mass exit until it was just me and a beardy old man who had the drollest voice and knew exactly how to use it. I just kept thinking, ‘How can I get away?’ I knew him to be one of our travelling colleagues so it would be wrong to leave him on his own, but at the same time he was eating into my exploring time with his full point while everyone else was sensibility on halves. Eventually, I managed to establish what train he was on and managed to feign taking an earlier one, leaving me with an excuse to abandon him. 

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