Friday 10 June 2016

83 Bottles of Beer on the Wall...

To many, it’s just a row of bottles sitting on the shelf; fragile yet decorative; each one ready to release its intoxicated contents into an eager man’s stomach. Yet each bottle tells a different story about its licensee. Why these particular bottles? Why are some grouped in stacks of three and why are other duplicates arranged ungrouped? Have the bar staff consumed each and every bottle and these beers are their recommendations? Or are these rarer brews saved exclusively for a special occasion; perhaps only fetched down when the licensee’s daughter is married? Of course, the bottles themselves also may tell a story from their creation to their transportation and the people involved that made it happen; each with their own tale of why they decided to undertake this particular task. What inspired them to label their bottles that way? And why is this picture so blurred? Is it perhaps that I've attempted to drink them all?

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