Friday 3 June 2016

Mobile Strike

Since owning a tablet, I’ve been looking for a game similar to the old Command and Conquer for quite a while now, and the new Mobile Strike comes quite close. The makers have spent a ton of money on advertising, not just on pop-ups and YouTube but on TV too. The screenshots are a little off-putting as there’s no actual control on holding out on territory; and every deployment requires a fall back to base before deploying your next tactic; making stake-outs impossible. There’s no plotline or even control on how deployments are used; you simply press the big red button to attack. Its main feature is time management, and you spend a heck of a lot of downtime on training, gathering resources and researching skills for units. But it’s highly addictive and the key thing is choosing the perfect moment to strike against your enemies (usually when they’re in a different time zone!).

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