Saturday 27 October 2018

What will be some First World Problems in 2050?

Who can predict what happens in thirty years’ time? Will there be a population crisis as healthcare improves and people start to live longer? Will our streets be overcrowded with food rioters willing to start World War Three just to get fed? Perhaps the traditional First World will get broken down as countries have to use their military might to secure resources from other parts of the world and others undergo a change of occupancy. Climate is also a factor as the earth continues to get warmer. Will there be weather wars for territories that experience fewer natural disasters? Will some countries leave the first world after exporting all their businesses to other countries? And will other countries enter it after amassing a wealth of resources? Will we have to change the definition of a First World because we will all be too busy immigrating from country to country? Or will the robots make all the decisions for us?

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