Wednesday 10 October 2018

Brewers of Epic Ales

As part of our visit, we were treated to a tour of the brewery, or at least as much as we could see while sticking our heads through the door of an open shed. We were met at the back of the pub by Head Brewer Simon who told us about the history of the brewery while cracking open a few bottles for us to sample. There were a couple of tables on a decked area with a wooden roof and a very thick shed door. Beyond this was the kettle and the fermenter where the action takes place, in front of a desk crammed with bottles. They also do story nights where they tell tall tales of folklore about Dwarfs and their beers. I ended up taking away a few of the Christmas beers; a nicely spiced strong ale which raises hairs on your chest rather than on your face like Simon’s beard. Though I suppose that everyone has a different reaction.

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